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Mindfulness Musings

Read the about mindfulness, MBSR and the science of mindful living here on our Mindfulness Musings pages.


"You're a person to be met, not a problem to be solved"

I don’t know who wrote the quote, where I read it or if I dreamt it but this is the quote that won’t leave me alone this year.

You're a person to be met

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Distance Mindfulness (MBSR) Training

For many years I was not keen on offering the MBSR program via the internet, as it seemed like it would take away from the individual exploration and intimacy that…

Distance Mindfulness Training

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Helping Kate - How Mindfulness can Change the Lives of People with Chronic Pain

How can mindfulness change the lives of people with chronic Pain?  Mindfulness is purposefully paying attention in a non-judgemental way to what is going on in your body, your mind and…

How Mindfulness can Change the Lives of People with Chronic Pain
