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Mindfulness Musings

Read the about mindfulness, MBSR and the science of mindful living here on our Mindfulness Musings pages.

What can a meditation practice offer in these difficult times?

Being a person is an interesting, challenging and confusing experience.   We are constantly changing, finding our feet and sometimes losing that footing.

What can a meditation practice offer in these difficult times?

Mindfulness: “feeling” and “dealing” with our emotions

“One of the mighty illusions that is constructed in the dailyness of life in our culture is that all pain is a negation of worthiness, that the real chosen people,…

Mindfulness and Emotions

Living in the Time of Dying – a film

In my own little patch, I am living in a split reality.

Living in the Time of Dying

Distance Mindfulness (MBSR) Training

For many years I was not keen on offering the MBSR program via the internet, as it seemed like it would take away from the individual exploration and intimacy that…

Distance Mindfulness Training

All parts are welcome ~ Loosening our identification in mindfulness meditation practice

Our fears are like dragons guarding our most precious treasures – Rilke Most of us come to mindfulness practice to deal with something we don’t want.

What to expect in doing a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction course

Six things to expect from an MBSR course - and they may surprise you.

“Progress” in meditation and opening to the bigger picture

My colleague Nancy Bardecke says: “Expectations? Suffering under construction!” So often when we are learning something new we expect this – the straight line of progress.
