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MBSR 2018 18

Response to Covid-19

for face to face courses

Response to Covid-19 for face to face courses

We are happy to announce that we are now offering face to face MBSR courses in the following locations:

NSW - Newcastle, Wollongong, 
Qld - Brisbane, Sunshine Coast
WA - Perth
SA - Adelaide

Each course is held at a different venue and participant numbers are limited to a maximum of 20 or less depending on the capacity of the venue in order to maintain very generous safe physical distancing.

What are the conditions of entry?

To keep everyone safe, and minimise the spread of infection, we ask that you observe these conditions of entry for face to face courses:

  • A maximum of 20 people in the Library, plus staff.
  • Use the hand sanitiser provided when you enter the space.
  • Practice good hygiene at all times. Wash or hand-sanitise your hands regularly and thoroughly, for 20 seconds; cover nose and mouth when sneezing.
  • Practice physical distancing of 1.5 metres.
  • We have a record of your contact details (full name, mobile number or email) for the purposes of contact tracing. 

MOST IMPORTANTLY: Stay home if you’re sick. Please do not attend the course you’re feeling unwell, have any flu-like symptoms, have been in contact with a person who’s tested positive for coronavirus in the past 14 days or have been in a COVID-19 hotspot area in the past 14 days.

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